This antique wood was previously used as siding boards on barns; the original rough sawn texture has been tempered by decades of weathering which tend to remove the softer portions of the wood; the Scar’dFace™ product is planed and sanded to peel back the weathering to produce a mostly smooth floor while retaining the bleed through effects of the aging process; nail holes and knots provide a little more obvious evidence of the floor’s previous life; this floor is moderately rustic and is perfectly at home in the country, mountains, desert or even the old American West; with a very soft surface, the floor will continue to show its age as it is put in use in its second life.
Specie -- predominately pines and hemlock
Grade -- Scar'dFace™
Source -- antique 100% recycled primarily siding from barns
US Green Building Council LEED® Points -- MR 4
hardness -- Janka Rating: 500 average
Our Character Rating -- 66 (rustic)